How to Pass Tests
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Passing tests is quite easy if the four simple steps are used.
May 7, 2019
Planning for your next test is not as difficult as you thought. There are simple steps a student can take to ensure a satisfactory grade on their next test.
In order to receive a “good” grade, one must put in the proper amount of effort required based on personal experience. If a student knows they struggle in a certain class, they should put an increased effort into preparing for that classes assessments.
The first basic step that can be taken to prepare for an assessment is to create a study plan. A study plan requires a student to allocate hours of their week to studying for assessments. The students should ensure no interruptions with any other activities and or assessments. A study plan holds students accountable for their studying and helps improve critical organization skills.
The next step is to create a study method. This step varies a bit because not all students learn the same way.
Senior Robert Langill said, “I like making Quizlets because they are simple and effective.” A Quizlet can be beneficial becuase it allows the student a more visual learning experience. It has options for flashcards and multiple practice test styles like matching, writing, and true/false.
Other people prefer more traditional methods like senior Matthew O’Connor who said, “I find it really hard to study off of my IPad, so I just use regular notecards.”
Senior John Carpenter added, “Yeah, I have found that actually writing out notecards helps.”
There are various other methods to study, but it is up to the individual student to decide which one works the best. This can take time, which can be frustrating at first, but will certainly pay off.
The next step is to start studying in accordance with the new study plan. The key is to actually learn the material, rather than just relying on memorization. This may require outside resources other than the teacher. Senior Eagan Callahan said, “I’m on YouTube every night trying to learn pre-calc.” Resources like YouTube can be very beneficial if they are used properly, and they offer new ways of learning material that a student may not have thought of themselves.
The last step is to ask the teacher questions in class. Students typically will have at least a day in class to review for the test. If the study plan was created, a method was chosen, and the student started studying, then they will understand which parts of the material are the most unclear. They can then ask questions and take notes on the teacher’s answers.
If students follow the four basic steps to prepare for an assessment and maintain diligence in doing so, they will delighted with the outcome. Simple steps often require discipline, but it should be worth it.