Blood Drive: Why You Should Donate
Loyola student gets his blood drawn. He was one of the many donors at Loyola’s drive last winter.
January 22, 2020
This Thursday, January 23, Loyola is hosting its annual blood drive.
The drive will be hosted by Vitalant, one of the leading nonprofit medical transfusion organizations in the nation. They provide blood to over one thousand hospitals across the United States.
Just a single blood donation can save approximately three lives. Because donated blood can be separated into red cells, platelets and plasma, it can be used to help patients with many different needs.
According to Vitalant, donors must be at least 16 years of age, 110 pounds, and in good health.
Donors are always needed as someone is in need of blood every three seconds in the United States. Each donation draws about one pint of blood, and thirty-two thousand pints of blood are needed each day.
Donor Camille Paracchini says, “I chose to donate because I know that blood is essential in preserving the lives of many patients undergoing any kind of medical treatment.”
The drive is open to students ages sixteen to eighteen. However, 16 year-old students need a signed permission slip in order to participate.
Students can sign up to donate during their free periods by stopping in to Student Activities office or emailing Ms. Krein.