How to Keep Busy During Social Distancing
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, people everywhere have been practicing social distancing by staying in their homes. This started about a week ago.
March 19, 2020
With school, work, sports, and basically everything getting cancelled or shut down, there’s only so much Netflix you can binge-watch during your social distancing periods.
Plus, too much screen time can come with harmful risks. So, here are some ways to keep busy, while taking a break from your screens:
Organize your room. With seasons changing, it’s a great time for spring cleaning. It makes it even easier now that you have nothing but time! Plus, a clean room is proven to decrease stress and improve sleep. It’ll feel much more organized and at peace during this stressful time.
Go outside. Get some fresh air! A walk outside is a great way to relieve stress and improve brain function.
Read a book. Reading helps improve vocabulary and thinking skills. And, it can be a great way to pass time during your social distancing.
Bake something. Baking can have many calming effects and you’ll even have something sweet to enjoy. There’s no better time, especially when the grocery stores are sold out of everything. Don’t forget to wash your hands first!
Spend time with your family. Find a fun activity like a board game or puzzle to do with your family, especially when everyone is home for a few weeks.
Do something you’ve been wanting to try. You have nothing but time! Try something new.
Find something you’ll enjoy to take your mind off the self-quarantine and stress of E-Learning. Take this time to take a break and refresh yourself!