In the crowded halls of Loyola Academy, one student stands out not only for his outgoing personality but for his effort with the football team, records on the track team and his determination to serve his country.
Devion Johnson is a senior on the varsity football team, is an amazing track and field runner, and is also preparing for a future in the army. Devion’s ability to use his work ethic to get through his busy days and find success in ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.) is something special.
Devion’s passion for football and track and field began with seeing his older siblings play sports. His talent in the long jump event quickly became evident, catching the attention of Loyola Academy track coach Mr. Seeberg who describes him as “a natural athlete with an incredible work ethic and drive.”
There is never a dull moment when you are around Devion as he is always cracking a joke or yelling, whether that be from excitement or anger.
“He is an impressive athlete but he also brings a positive energy to the [football] team. His determination to improve is special,” football coach Fitzgerald added.
Teammates admire Devion for his leadership qualities. Fellow track and field runner and football player Nicholas Arogundade shared, “Devion is always motivating us, whether it’s during practice or before a big meet. His energy is contagious.”
Devion’s positive effect isn’t only at school or on the track. Despite not being the star player on the football team, he always shows up for his teammates. Devion loves to run by the student section and all of the Loyola fans during the game yelling and cheering in an attempt to raise their energy.
He is a man of many hobbies including playing the bass clarinet for the Loyola Academy band, but his passion to serve his country in the army is something he intends on making a career out of.
On his path to serving in the U.S. Army, Devion is currently undergoing drill training to prepare for the challenges ahead until he goes off to college. He passed rigorous physical training at ROTC Basic Training this past summer and is now Private First Class (PFC). His decision to attend United States Military Academy West Point has gained even more respect and admiration from friends and family.
“I’ve known Devion since middle school and his determination towards everything he puts his mind to has always been evident. I think this trait can be seen in his endeavors with the army,” longtime friend Harrison Yeboah said.
As Devion balances the expectations of academics at Loyola Academy, athletics, and military preparation his friends, family and coaches are confident in his ability to succeed in all his endeavors. Devion serves as a reminder that with dedication, passion, and a good attitude the potential for success is limitless.