Loyola Academy returned from Thanksgiving break on Monday Dec. 2, 2024. Students used their time off for many different activities and voiced many preferences, which will be broken down in this article. Keep reading to see what Loyola Ramblers did with their break!
How do Loyola students like to spend their break?
When asked what they were looking forward to for the break, spending time with family was the most popular answer for students. Here, sisters Meredith Duryea and Nora Duryea hang out together in Minnesota, where their extended family lives.

Along with family, Ramblers love to spend time with their friends. Seniors Anna Hammerl and Abby Hartnett went to the Kris Kringle market for a fun night together.

With the football team in the IHSA playoffs, attending a game was another great way to spend time with friends. This group of seniors went to Lincoln Way East to cheer on the team.

The football team’s playoff journey ended with the State Championship on Saturday, Nov. 30, 2024 at Illinois State University. The team won the State Title for the third year in a row. Students cited this as being one of the highlights of break for the past three years.

With the full week off school, it was also a nice opportunity to travel. Senior Charlotte Somers and her family went to Louisiana to tour college campuses and were able to try some restaurants in New Orleans.

What are the favorite Thanksgiving foods of Loyola students?

If there is one thing that all Ramblers could agree on, it is that they enjoy eating Thanksgiving dinner. Senior Katie Krug was very proud of her table set up that went along with her meal.

Ramblers could not agree if Thanksgiving break was time to start celebrating Christmas or if they had to wait until it was over. From everyone surveyed, it was a perfect tie.

But now that Thanksgiving break is over and the school’s hallways are decorated for Christmas, it seems it is time for Loyola to move into the Christmas spirit.