Currently, the fires in California have burned over 12,000 homes, businesses, and schools. Twenty-eight people have died in these past weeks alone.
There are some common misconceptions about how these fires really started. Some are saying it was arson, but the truth is the real cause hasn’t been determined. Yet, there is no evidence saying that the main cause of these fires was foul play. What firefighters do know is that the combination of severe winds reaching up to 70 miles an hour and the extremely dry conditions from only receiving 10% of the average rainfall since last October are the leading factors. Together these are deadly forces that only enabled the fire to spread further and further.
Being from either Chicago or the surrounding suburbs has not prepared us for how truly horrific what is happening is. The simplest way I can put this into terms that might resonate with the people of Chicago is that the Great Chicago Fire that occurred 150 years ago, that burned approximately ⅓ of the city (2,560 acres), isn’t even close to the astronomical 27,000 acres being burned in California. That is eight times the amount of loss that we experienced so many years ago. And this isn’t to dismiss the horror of the fire here in Chicago but rather to grow support for those Californians who have just lost everything they have ever known.
Being a student at Loyola has taught me so much about service, and that it isn’t just about helping those around you but rather everyone. To be true women and men for others, is to help those in need when you don’t even know them. Illinois recognizes this and so should we here at Loyola Academy.
Since we aren’t in California the most important thing we can do is support those that are. The California Community Fund is a charity based in Los Angeles that is currently accepting donations to help those experiencing loss from the fires.

Another wonderful charity that Loyola recently recognized is Catholic Charities USA. Orchesis held a bake sale in honor of the wildfires a while ago.
But if you weren’t able to donate then, now is the time to support people in need from these devastating fires. 100% of the proceeds given to CCUSA goes to help families in LA. This is a wonderful cause and I encourage anyone who can to please donate!
(Note: QR codes are only active for 14 days- if you wish to donate after please visit their websites!)