Meet Mr. Miller — An Ode to Campus Ministry

Dylan Sargent, Writer

Campus Ministry. Two words that are possibly not prominent in your day to day life at Loyola — it is a department that may not be on your radar. Many of you might not even know its exact location (at the end of that one really long hallway in the basement).

Frankly, some of you may feel obligated or perhaps filled with Catholic guilt — feeling you should be more involved and “religious” at Loyola. But, I’m writing to you now to tell you it is a new day in the department, and his name is Mr. Johnny Miller.

Beginning in 2019, Mr. Miller has truly made his mark on Loyola Academy. Some teachers may be shocked to see him back so soon after his graduation in 2015, but he is a loving Rambler at heart, eager to help students see their potential.

“I didn’t think I would come back to Loyola this early on in my career as I am now, but I knew there was a part of me that wanted to always be here and give back to a community that did so much for me as a young adult trying to find my way,” Mr. Miller says.

Campus Ministry is not your typical snooze fest. We’re not talking Vatican I, or fire and brimstone. Mr. Miller encourages students to “see their potential, recognize their gifts and grow to love themselves, God, and others.”

Accompanied by several incredible coworkers, Mr. Miller helps coordinate the Summer Service trips, directing retreats, and leading students in Spiritual Conversation. Not to mention the countless visits from the K272 girls (sorry).

Mr. Miller is a spiritual steward for all. When asked what animal best represents him, he responded with “dragon,” and that may just sum it up perfectly. He is a force to be reckoned with, but on any occasion, he would be more than willing to welcome you into his office.

In describing the Campus Ministry community, he utilizes the word “loving” — Learning to love yourself, God, and community to others I was fortunate enough to be a part of Kairos 272, which he directed. At the very end, he informed all retreatants that this was his first kairos.

It was incredibly comforting to know someone so young and approachable could show so many young adults how to express their love for God without it being a chore. It was completely relatable.

Come on down to Campus Ministry anytime, the chairs are comfortable. In other words, the Dragon gets it.