Creating Change One Step at a Time

Maggie Talaga, Writer

Since age 8, Sarah Sipchen has had a big heart and determined personality as her fuel. She has always felt the urge to take others into consideration so she could better herself and her actions. She enjoys helping others, especially her family and friends, so they know she cares and loves them.

However, her drive to help others does not stop there. Of course, Sarah loves to help all people, but her acts of kindness reach those who don’t have a voice: animals.  When Sarah was 8 years old, she made the impactful decision to become a vegetarian.

According to Sarah’s mom, the reasoning behind this commitment was that eating animals “hurt Sarah’s heart.”

Even at a young age, Sarah was aware of how her actions can either affect people positively or negatively, so she chose the road less traveled – positivity.

Sarah cares so deeply for making a difference that her actions go beyond simply not eating meat. When Sarah was in middle school, she began a fundraiser for a struggling vet hospital in her neighborhood. She raised over $400, and her work helped the vet in ways young Sarah did not comprehend.

Sarah elaborated on her mindset going into the fundraiser creation, “I didn’t quite know what my fundraiser would accomplish, but as long as it did something I felt good.” Her love for animals did not just help her, but as well as multiple people around her.

Sarah’s sister, Kate Sipchen, has experienced firsthand Sarah’s determination and kind-hearted nature. She bragged about her older sister saying “Sarah puts others before herself, and I really appreciate her love for everyone no matter what.”

Sarah has developed helpful, loving energy through becoming vegetarian, which is radiated in her family setting as well. One single decision that Sarah made when she was in elementary school, affected
her entire future and her as a whole.

Whether it’s made her more determined, motivated, or an overall more charismatic person, it is what makes Sarah “Sarah.”