Q and A with a QB


Matthew Shiltz scans downfield for receivers during the game against Mt. Carmel.

Gianna Lapasso, Writer

Matthew Schiltz is a quarterback on the Loyola Academy’s varsity football team. He’s helped lead the team to their first two victories of the year.

When did you start playing football?

“5th grade was when I started playing tackle football.”

What is your biggest accomplishment in your football career?

“Winning the 8th grade championship at OLPH.”

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

“Being able to time travel so I could go back in time and make some money.”

If you won the lottery what would you buy first?

“Invest in Bitcoin because I know it’s going to be big in the future.”

What’s your favorite movie?

The Dark Knight because I’ve always liked Batman and The Joker is probably my favorite villain.”

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

“Iceland because Game of Thrones was filmed there and the scenery looks really amazing.”